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Building a Genkit Plugin for Deepseek: A Step-by-Step Guide

Why Deepseek? Deepseek is an exciting AI model that stands out for being: Cost-effective: Deepseek is designed to be efficient in terms of inference costs, though training costs may vary based on model size and hardware.

Building an AI ghostwriter with Firebase App hosting and genkit

At Oddbit we built a self hosted CMS with a built-in AI ghostwriter that can help you generate articles in your own writing style. It provides a speech-to-text AI feature that can turn your thoughts on voice notes into well structured articles.

Firebase projects with NX monorepo

At Oddbit, we work with Nx monorepo for our Firebase projects. Using Nx has been straightforward; there’s no need for special consideration beyond adjusting your firebase.

Configuring Firebase App Hosting with Google Secrets Manager

When deploying your app to Firebase App Hosting, the build process is automatically handled by Google Cloud Build. While this makes deployment convenient, it poses a challenge: you can’t directly run custom GitHub Actions scripts or set environment configurations during the build.

How to Keep Your Custom Claims in Sync with Roles Stored in Firestore

A common question I often encounter, is how to maintain consistency between custom claims in Firebase Auth and role assignments stored in Firestore. It is common in applications to have role-based authentication, where the access to resources is determined by a given role and where there are admin users have the authority to assign or revoke roles.

Duplicating your Firebase project to staging with Github Actions

So we’re all set up with CI/CD that rolls out a shiny new production release to our Firebase hosting every time we merge to master. That’s great.